About 10 days ago, I received a Google Plus notification late one night that some random person commented-on and re-shared one of my photos:

… and I thought, “Oh how nice, someone outside my group of friends stumbled upon one of my photos? That is kind of cool!” I was excited for all of 2 mins about the new +1 and strange comment “happi”, but quickly went about my own business again.
Not but about 10 minutes later, another notification came in: it was another comment and +1 on the same photo… Then a few minutes after that another +1 came, and another comment here, and another re-share there… and so on!
This really got my attention, and I was wondering what was going on. I had never gotten any attention to any of my photos before like this, and was not used to all these random people actually really liking some photo I took and that I thought was just OK.
By the next morning, I awoke to this surprise:
… this totally blew me away, as I started going through the tons of comments and +1’s and re-shares of that one photo! All through out the day and the rest of the week, that little red distraction kept counting, and kept hitting 99+!
I write this experience in my books as my own personal “going viral” (because it is the most exposure I have ever gotten for anything, ever). I now have over 400+ awesome new followers – a number which I never expected to grow more than I could count with my hands!
I would have never believed that any of my pics would ever be so “popular”. I found out recently that pic actually made it into the Google+ “Popular 100” images (found when you reach the end of any picture album):
All this time I have been simply taking pics for my pure enjoyment and silently posting them online.

Though the excitement and “fame”,I guess, is just now sort of wearing off, I am super appreciative and flattered for all the views, shares, +1’s and comments thus far! Many people actually took the time to look at my other photos as well, and now those have been started to get shared on G+ too, further driving the cycle.
All this time I have been simply taking pics for my pure enjoyment and silently posting them online. Who knew there would be a breaking point and an explosion of interest one day?! I give all credit to the first person who commented on (and shared) the photo.

I recognize though, it is important not to start over-thinking my future G+posts. Even though hundreds of new people now follow me expecting photos, the day I decide not post something I’m interested in because it is not a photo is the day I have failed and lost my personality. This cannot happen, and I respect any person who has a large public following that continues to remain true to themselves.
This experience has taught me to be more generous about what I re-share and +1 on Google Plus. Just one share can spark a wild chain reaction that can really make someone’s day, and I hope to return the favor!
Have you had any experiences like this, or some other unexpected exposure?